Festa inaugurazione ottobre 2005 |
19 - 21 ottobre
ISR Roma
Sala Conferenza con trasmissione video in Salone e Giardino d’inverno
Festa d’inaugurazione
19-21 ottobre
Swissitude pro Italianità.
L’Istituto Svizzero di Roma tra scienza
e cultura
19 ottobre ore 17.30
Avvio del dibattito sui NCCR (National Centres of Competence in Research, nelle scienze umane e sociali): On. Consigliere federale Pascal Couchepin
ore 17.45
Presentazione del NCCR “Iconic Criticism - The Power and Meaning of Images”
Prof. Dr. Gottfried Boehm, ordinario di Storia dell’arte all’Università di Basilea
e direttore del NCCR “Iconic Criticism”
Prof. Dr. Andreas Beyer, ordinario di storia
dell’arte all’Università di Basilea
Prof. Dr. Antonio Loprieno, ordinario di Egittologia e rector designatus dell’Università di Basilea
The digital revolution has created a new, image-based society. We now use images for universal communication and as an instrument for generating and disseminating knowledge to a greater extent than ever before. However, insights into the function, the power and effect of the images have failed to keep pace with this development. The National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) “Iconic Criticism - The Power and Meaning of Images” intends to fill this gap and pay images the attention they deserve, granting them the attention language has been given for centuries.
For further information see: www.eikones.ch/
20 ottobre ore 10.15
Architettura, città, spettacolo.
Incontro fra Mario Botta e Stanislaus von Moos
Oggi più che mai l’architettura gode di una singolare presenza nell’immaginario della ormai globale società dei consumi, e la Svizzera non fa eccezione. In questa nuova situazione l’architetto come la società si trovano di fronte ad importanti scelte di valori, di modelli e di strategie.
21 ottobre ore 10.15
Presentazione del NCCR “Mediality. Historical Perspectives”
Prof. Dr. Christian Kiening, ordinario di Letteratura tedesca (dalle origini al Seicento) all’Università di Zurigo e direttore del NCCR “Mediality”
Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Bronfen, ordinaria di
Letteratura anglo-americana all’Università di Zurigo
PD Dr. Martina Stercken, libera docente di Storia medievale e coordinatrice del Centro di Medievistica all’Università di Zurigo
The NCCR proposes to examine the specific ways in history, in which media generate cultural meaning without submitting to the teleologic, technology-centered, or mass-media-oriented theories of media. The focus is consequently on media situations in an era before such time that mediality became an explicit topic of discourse.
Particular attention will be paid to the interfaces and transitions at which mediality becomes visible: where media circumstances change (Medienwandel), where a shifting or switching of media occurs (Medienwechsel), and where a display and reflection of mediality takes place (Medienwissen). At these junctures, it is possible to identify instances of differentiation, as well as structural analogies, which refine the notions of both earlier as well as more recent eras in terms of media history (see: www.mediality.ch or www.mediaevistik.unizh.ch). During the Inaugurazione, a brief outline of the research will be provided and illustrated with modern media reflections on the Middle Ages.
ore 16.15
Presentazione del NCCR “Affective
Sciences: Emotion in Individual Behavior and Social Processes”
in esplicito dialogo con la musica (Beethoven) di Esther Walker (pianoforte) & Marc Jaerman (violoncello)
Prof. Dr. Klaus Scherer, ordinario di Psicologia all’Università di Ginevra e direttore del NCCR “Affective Sciences”
Prof. Dr. Antonio Camurri, professore associato di Software engineering e Multimedia Systems all’Università di Genova
Dr. Daniel Arfib, senior researcher presso il Laboratorio di Meccanica e Acustica del CNRS a Marsiglia.
An ‘affective revolution’ has taken place in recent years as researchers have begun to appreciate the profound role played
by emotions in the behaviour and decision-making of individuals, groups and societies.Now for the first time in emotion research, the NCCR for Affective Sciences, with the leading house at the University of Geneva, will combine the efforts of internationally-renowned Swiss scientists from neurology, psychology and economics with the work of religious historians, lawyers, artists and philosophers (see: www.unige.ch/cisa/nccr_information).
During the Inaugurazione, a brief outline of the research program will be provided. The important role of emotion in music, and how technological progress in scientific music research can be applied to the issue, will be illustrated in interaction with the musicians (Esther Walker, Marc Jaermann) whose performance of the Beethoven cello sonatas will frame the presentation.
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